AI Projects: Solving the 15 Puzzle Problem and 6x6 Futoshiki Puzzles

15 Puzzle Problem

Problem Description

There is a 4x4 board with 15 tiles numbered from 1 to 15 and a blank tile. A tile can slide into the blank position if it is horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent to the blank position. Given a start board configuration and a goal board configuration, find a sequence of moves to reach the goal configuration from the start configuration.

Algorithms / Techniques Used

Want to try it out yourself?

15 Puzzle Game

(For this game, there is only one goal configuration: the cells will be ordered from 1 to 15. Diagonal moves are also not allowed.)

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6x6 Futoshiki Puzzles

Problem Description

Given an initial board configuration with numbers already assigned to some cells and inequality relationships, complete the board such that all the constraints are satisfied.


  1. All inequality relationships between adjacent cells must be satisfied.
  2. A digit can only appear once in every row and column.

Algorithms / Techniques Used

Want to try it out yourself?

Futoshiki Puzzle Game

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